Monday, December 13, 2010

Lari Pagi Itu Sehat Kata Bang Haji

Melakukan lari pagi secara teratur memberikan manfaat bagus (bang haji Oma aja setuju) buat kondisi fisik dan kesehatan lainnya, juga memberikan kebugaran secara fisik dan mental.

Lari pagi memberikan keuntungan tetap bagi keseluruhan kesehatan setelah dilakukan diantaranya adalah:
1. Membuat jantung kuat, dimana semakin memperlancar peredaran darah dan pernafasan;
2. Mempercepat sistem pencernaan dan membantu Anda menyingkirkan masalah pencernaan;
3. Menetralkan depresi;
4. Meningkatkan kapasitas untuk bekerja dan mengarahkan pada kehidupan yang aktif;
5. Membantu Anda membakar lemak dan mengatasi kegemukan;
6. Kalau Anda bermasalah dengan selera makan, membantu Anda memperbaikinya
7. Mengencangkan otot kaki, paha dan punggung;
8. Membuat tidur lebih nyenyak.

Lari juga dapat memberi Anda kesenangan secara fisik maupun mental. Apabila dilakukan dengan benar, Anda tak akan merasakan kelelahan saat Anda telah menyelesaikan satu tur lebih dari yang Anda lakukan sebelumnya. Anda juga mendapat manfaat dengan merasakan nyaman di otot selama lari dan setelahnya.

Jogging dapat ditempuh dalam berbagai cara : Jarak yang panjang antara 2-20 km dalam kecepatan biasa; Jarak 3-6 km dalam kecepatan tinggi dengan kecepatan sedang ditempuh dalam 4-8 kg. Anda sebaiknya bergerak dengan lambat dengan usaha kecil yang pertama dalam beberapa ratus meter untuk pemanasan otot anda. Lalu perlahan-lahan tambahkan kecepatan Anda. Kalau Anda sudah melakukan setengah rute, Anda bisa berlari lebih cepat sesuai kemampuan Anda. Jika rute cukup panjang, Anda bisa mengambil dua atau tiga dorongan dengan kapasitas yang hampir penuh. Sangat disarankan untuk melakukan peregangan sebelum melakukan sesi jogging, dan bukan hanya pada otot kaki Anda, tapi juga keseluruhan tubuh, lakukan selama 2 menit sebelumnya dan 3-4 menit setelahnya. Jika jogging hanya satu-satunya aktivitas olahraga yang dilakukan, melakukannya tiap dua hari sekali adalah ukuran idealnya. Itu sudah cukup untuk memberikan seluruh keuntungan bagi kesehatan dan meningkatkan kondisi, dan daya tahan tubuh Anda.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Health Impact Of Running Everyday

Running is without doubt one of the most strenuous forms of exercise and can take a heavy toll on your body unless your are aware of some of the risks and take preventative action. This article explores some of the health risks associated with running and suggests some practical steps to help prevent serious injury.

1. Shin splints (Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome)

These are a very common health risk for runners. It sends shooting pains up your shins and occurs most frequently in those who have recently taking up running. Essentially it is a slight weakness in the muscles that attach your foot to the lower part of your leg.

Preventative action:

- Stretch well before and after running to strengthen the muscles in that area. Over time you should notice the problem disappear as you build up muscle tone.

- If it is painful after running apply ice to your shins and make sure you rest well.

- Try running on softer surfaces like grass rather than concrete until you build some muscle tone, as grass is more cushioned to run on.

2. Joint problems

When you run you have the potential to place the equivalent load of a baby elephant on your joints. These joints are compressed with every step you take and overuse can cause them to become inflamed, painful and sore. This can lead to serious long term joint disorders unless you look after them.

Preventative measures: It is impossible to stop all of the compression experienced by joints when running but you can reduce it significantly by taking some of the following simple measures:

- Buying the right running shoes will absorb some of the strain on your joints by acting as a shock absorber cushioning some of the impact your feet experiences as it hits the ground. Be willing to spend plenty on a top of the range pair of shoes as it will make a difference.

- At the end of a period of running your muscles will have shortened and can sometimes be on the verge of spasm. Take time to stretch for 20-30 minutes as this will help the muscles and tendons to return to their full length and also ease joint pain as compressed joints are stretched out.

3. Lower back problems.

The lower back has to deal with significant pressure both from the surface you are running on and also from the effort of keeping you moving whilst you run. Fell runners and Cross country specialists can suffer significant lower back problems due to the undulating nature of the terrain and constant readjustments being made by the back to compensate, but this is also true of road runners.

Preventative measure:

- Stretch well before AND after a race. Stretching will lengthen the spine and separate the vertebrate, releasing some of the compression caused during running.

- Personally I find Yoga a brilliant form of exercise for lower back problems. Pilates is also good as both forms work on lengthening and strengthening the spine and improving the range of movement available in your lower back. I have found that since taking up Yoga my back and joints have hurt much less after running.

4. Heart Attack

It is certainly true that your risk of suffering a heart attack increases with running for some individuals.
This is because running places huge demands on your cardio vascular system, which requires increased levels of oxygen to keep muscles supplied to enable you to keep running. If you have clogged or restricted arteries, caused by high fat diets, your body can't keep up the oxygen supply to the heart, causing the heart to stop pumping, leading to a heart attack.

Even healthy individuals can suffer from a heart attack whilst running because of a previously unknown heart condition.

Preventative measures:

- Before you take up running, not matter how well you feel, ensure you have a medical to ensure that you haven't got any underlying heart problems.

- Eating a low fat diet will reduce furring of the arteries, caused by fat clinging to them that ultimately leads to them becoming restricted.

- Gradually build up your running miles over time to prevent a sudden strain on your cardio vascular system especially if your body is not used to it. Build up in multiples of 2 miles.

7. Muscle tears

Runners are more prone to muscle tears because of the frequency and nature of the stresses that they place on their muscles. Lactic acid, which is caused by a failure of your body to get sufficient oxygen to your muscles, builds up and attacks muscles. Muscles that haven't been warmed up or down properly may be more susceptible to tears as the lactic acid attacks them.

Preventative measure: Ensure you stretch before and after running to give your muscles maximum flexibility and reduce risk of tears. Shortened muscles are always more prone to tearing or getting pulled.

8. Dehydration

As a runner you need to ensure that your body is well hydrated as dehydration increases muscle fatigue and exhaustion. Most people should drink 2.5 litres of water a day, but if you are running you should consider as much as 5 litres, to replace lost nutrients during a race or long distance run.

Healthy Benefits of Running Everyday

Being able to has been the key to our survival. It is this requirement - to be able to escape from predator, that boosted the evolutionary change that enabled human beings to stand erect. Significance of running for our survival still holds ground. However, in today's fast paced life where we depend a lot on processed and ready to eat foods, running assumes a whole new meaning. Running burns more calories than most other forms of exercise. This means that workout of high intensity can be done in less time, i.e making the maximum from the least amount of time spent exercising. Weight loss, seems to be the most obvious positive outcome of running. However there are other long term health benefits of running. Let us a take a look at how we can benefit from 30 minutes of running daily! Know more about running and jogging.

Important Health Benefits of Running

Weight Loss: Running is a very popular form of exercise for losing weight. It is difficult to give the exact number of calories burned while running as that depends upon one's weight, speed at which one is running and the distance covered. Nevertheless it is a known fact that running to burn fat is more effective than any other form of cardiovascular exercises. Read more on running to lose weight.

Cardiovascular Health: Running increases the requirement of energy by the cells of our body which results in greater demand for oxygen and nutrients. To meet this need the heart starts pumping blood at a faster rate than normal. Blood vessels dilate to facilitate transport of gases and nutrients throughout the body. This regular dilating and coming back to its normal size improves elasticity of arteries that reduces the risk of heart attacks and developing high blood pressure. Increased heart rate results in better supply of blood to different parts of the body and elimination of waste with increased efficiency. As the cardiovascular health improves, all other systems of the body also receive a boost. Read more on benefits of running exercises.

Improved Bone and Muscle Health: A continuous demand on the bones and muscles of the body is created due to regular running. Health benefits on these tissues come from the fact that as bones and muscles respond to meet these demands, they grow stronger. Due to this individuals who run regularly are less prone to suffer from effects of old age on these tissues. One of the most significant health benefits of running for women is that it fights the onset of osteoporosis due to old age.

Psychological Benefits: Running also has psychological benefits. Most people report feeling good and mentally relaxed after running. This is due to the release of the feel good hormone, endorphins. These hormones that keep circulating in the body for quite sometime after a good run, impart a sense of euphoria in a runner. This feeling is most commonly referred to as the 'runner's high'. Other than improving one's mood, running also enables one to cope better with stress. This is because while one runs, he is focused on the job at hand and does not think about other responsibilities or problems. This lowers one's stress levels. Running is physically strenuous. Hence when one accomplishes covering a certain distance set by him, he feels a sense of achievement which boosts one's morale.

Running for Healthy Diet

Running for healthy diet

For Example one of the best health benefits of running is it is an excellent way to lose weight. Running burns more calories than other forms of cardiovascular exercise. Cardiovascular exercise is the only way to burn off excess body fat. It has been proven that running can help slow down the aging process. In people who run regularly, there is less muscle and bone loss than in people who do not run. The human growth hormone that keeps people young is activated when a person starts to run.

It is very recommended for people who suffer from osteoporosis, hypertension, and diabetes to run a few miles every day. This will help combat these diseases, as it releases endorphins that can help people relax. People who are at risk of heart attacks are advised to run, because it will strengthen the heart, lower the blood pressure, and it will maintain the elasticity of arteries. Running regularly also helps to raise good (HDL) cholesterol, promotes the use of 50% of the long capacity that normally goes unused, and also reduces the chance of blood clots from forming. Regularly taking part in running can have a positive impact on the immune system. It causes a higher count of lymphocytes in the blood.

Along with the many physical health benefits of running, there are also many positive psychological benefits. Through the act of running, it can relieve psychological stress that builds up on a person’s mind. Through the release of endorphins, a feeling of happiness and satisfaction is felt. There is a sense of accomplishment every time a running goal is met. For every mile achieved it can boost a person’s confidence. Seeing results such as weight loss through the act of running is also a confidence booster. A person can gain more and more confidence when they realize their efforts through running is having a positive impact in their physical appearance.

People who suffer from depression are often urged to take up running, as this has been proven to be a successful form of treatment. Running has also been used as a treatment for helping people who have addictions of any type. The feeling a person experiences after a run is described as an intense exhilaration, and can often replace a person’s addiction to a substance. This type of euphoria is the cause of the release of beta endorphin hormones.

People who are diagnosed with depression (natural cures for depression) often feel less fatigued, less depressed, and less tense after they have gone for a run. It is also been said that running can promote concentration, and leave people feeling more focused. People who run often feel more determined and have a better chance of finishing what they start.